Planning, Zoning, & Permits

Grading Plan Specifications for Small Sites

Stormwater Permits

When stormwater from rain or snow melt flows, it carries dirt, litter, chemicals, or other pollutants that could harm water quality. Stormwater discharges are considered point sources, and stormwater permitting is administered under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program.

ADEQ issues individual and general stormwater permits. The permit conditions for an individual permit are specific for each facility. General permits are used for those facilities with similar operations. Facilities seek coverage with a Notice of Intent (NOI) document to obtain coverage under a general permit.

For more information, visit the ADEQ website: General Stormwater Permits.

Grading Permit Requirements:

  1. Site Plan. Site plan at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet, showing property lines, vicinity map, north arrow, name of owner, developer, and adjacent property owners.
  2. Land to be Disturbed. Land areas to be disturbed shall be clearly identified.
  3. Streets and Rights-of-way. Location and names of all existing or platted streets or rights-of-way within or adjacent to tract and location of all utilities and easements within or adjacent to the property shall all be indicated.
  4. Structures. Location and dimension of existing structures.
  5. Natural Features. Location of natural features such as drainage ways, ponds, rock outcroppings and tree cover. Indication of 100 year floodplains as defined by FEMA.
  6. Acreage/Zoning. Total acreage and zoning classification.
  7. Time Schedule. A time schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization measures.
  8. Fill Material/Compactions. Description of quantity (in cubic yards), source, and composition of imported fill material and compaction specifications. Note the quantity (in cubic yards) and destination of excavation materials to be removed from the site.
  9. Natural Vegetation Preservation. Proposals for preserving natural vegetation, including designating the area of preservation on the grading plan, and a description of evegetation or other permanent erosion control strategy. Measures for protecting trees targeted for preservation during land alteration activity.
  10. Runoff/sedimentation. Specification and details of measures to control runoff and sedimentation during construction indicating what will be used such as straw bales, silt dams, check dams, lateral hillside ditches, catch basins and the like; and construction entrance/exit.
  11. Dust. Where excessive dust may become a problem, a plan for spraying water on heavily traveled dirt areas shall be addressed.

Choose the Online Permit application, or the printable version below:

Online Small Site Grading Permit

Small Site Grading Permit – PDF

Tontitown Planning Board
Mailing Address:

PO Box 305
Tontitown, AR 72770
Physical Address:
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown, AR 72762


Angela Russell – Mayor
Jamie Malone -  Administrative Assistant to the Mayor
Luann Jenison - City Administration  /  HR

Tontitown City Administration Building & City Hall

Open from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm. Offices Located in this building are Administration, Accounting, Building, Planning, and Public Works Department.

Located at:
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
(Located in Tontitown next to the Park)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770

Tontitown Water Utility
Mailing Address: PO Box 127, Tontitown AR 72770
Physical Address: 201 E Henri de Tonti Blvd, Tontitown AR 72762

Tontitown City Administration Building

235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770


Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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