For a while now, the city of Tontitown thought that something just wasn’t looking right in our beautiful park. Lots of shade? We have that. Areas for families to gather and enjoy the sun? We have that too. Bocce Ball? We have an amazing court. Basketball? Tennis? Pickleball? All there! What is it? What is missing?? WE GOT IT!!!! Mulch for the play area! Yes sir, that was definitely the answer. After some research by our Public Works Director, James Clark, and some input on color from the office staff, we put in an order. And guess what??? It has arrived!!! With the help of the Water and Sewer Department, Street Department, and Parks Department we were able to get most of the mulch laid and spread today. The heat got to be too much, so we will have to finish up later this week, but we are very happy with the look and feel. Such a small change has made our already wonderful park that “Mulch” better.